While Dublin and Cork remain the two primary business sectors in the Republic of Ireland other regions are beginning to emerge as important business bubs. This is both due to government initiatives and the potential that these regions have. One of the most prominent and emerging business hubs in Ireland is in the Southwest primarily in Limerick and Clare.
Leading tech companies such as Dell, Northern Trust, Deloitte and Kemp technologies have HQs and centres in the area. They have seen the huge potential of the region and this has only increased the prospect of employment and business in the area. With such large companies taking the lead, this only shows the huge potential available for new start-ups and service-based companies in the region.
Facing into the prospect of starting a new business in the area may be a daunting task but with the help of a professional and knowledgeable Business coach, a lot of these worries and difficulties can be set aside. One major player in the area is Cregg coaching. A firm which prides itself on success, through its coaching, local knowledge and development of strategies that will work for your business.
You and anyone in your position who is hoping to develop their dream company into a reality or who wants to expand on an existing business model. Cregg coaching provides you with the tools to improve your business success, process improvements that can be made in your business and develop a successful teamwork approach which allows you more freedom to pursue your business and life goals.
Sometimes admitting that you require some help can be difficult. But as a qualified executive coach, Cregg coaching will approach your needs and worries in a professional and dynamic manner.
The aim is to highlight where you want to be in your life and in your business.
For those working or thinking of working in the Clare and Limerick region, there is no better place to look.
Executive coaching is at the forefront of all business coaching. Our service will provide you with the tools to increase productivity, reduce stress, create better time management solutions and improve the overall running of your company.
This is done through a process of mindfulness, business strategy and examination of past successes and failures. The aim of any company is to be successful and profitable. This can only be done with the right strategy and the right strategy should be beneficial both mentally and structurally for your business.
The one-on-one coaching provides individuals with the tools, to see new opportunities, discard outdated business methods and reward initiatives and success within the company.
With local knowledge of the Limerick and Clare area, Cregg coaching can assist with ideas in regard to recruitment, business opportunities and openings within the market. With the tools provided by their executive coaching you will be able to utilise this knowledge.
With a clear plan of action, your business success and overall framework will be greatly improved.
So why would you choose Limerick and Clare over other regions? Well besides the already mentioned benefits and the resources available from Cregg coaching here are some other reasons to consider:
This is a well-established and developing business hub. Catering to the needs of hundreds of business and thousands of employees, this specially designed centre has all the necessities for businesses in incubation.
Conference rooms, networking opportunities, training rooms among other added benefits provide the perfect working space. Just as Gregg coaching provides dynamic one-on-one business coaching, centres such as the Shannon airport business hub are exactly what’s needed in the ever-changing business sector. Dynamism, creativity and ideal working conditions.
You can check out more about Shannon airport business hub here.
With such companies as J&J Vision Care, Intel, GE Capital, there is always a need for support services, this can range from call-centre work to IT services and building maintenance. You may see the market as saturated, but your business coach can highlight potential areas for growth, gaps in the market or raised productivity potential among other areas in the business sector.
You may also have a small business idea that you want to approach companies with, but you are unsure of how. Again, therefore you need executive coaching. This will help you develop your business idea, craft a pitch and target your market.
If you are new to the region then business coaching especially from a local will open doors for you to network, generate business strategies and ultimately reach your business goals.
Limerick city is home to both Limerick IT and the University of Limerick. These institutions provide experienced, educated employees. There is also the added benefit of work placement programmes and educational initiatives undertaken by both institutions. This will allow you to both source and learn the newest and most competitive ways of getting ahead in your sector.
This is one area where your executive coaching will come to have a huge benefit. Your business model and idea will firstly benefit from the relatively low costs of doing business regarding rent and transport. Then there are the connections made through your coach.
You may be entitled to government grants or be able to seek funding for your business. Your business coach you will help your business success by sourcing what you can use and how to approach these potential funds and investments into your business.
There is huge potential in the Limerick and Clare area and the added benefit of a professional executive coach to help you with your business goals. This region should be one to consider should you wish to start a new business or provide the services required to help established multinational companies.
Many companies are continuing to choose the Southwest as the businesses home and maybe you should to.
Contact Gregg Coaching and we will be happy to provide all the help you need to make your life and business a success.